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Why micro gyms are influencing the future of fitness?

Written by True Topia

June 6, 2021

Sitting at home you hit that cancel button for your gym membership. You shattered the dream of your perfect body for the year. But hold on, have you heard about the rising trend of micro gyms

While canceling the gym membership was the story of most fitness lovers, there was something else that got its peak. Yes, the micro gyms. While the traditional gyms saw their numbers and revenue dropping, micro gyms were blooming. So, here comes the first question, what are micro gyms?

Micro gyms are an unconventional style of gyms with small spaces like the garage of the owner or any rented space. These kinds of gyms come with basic types of equipment and the trainers train a small group of people at a time. A micro gym aims to provide the optimum outcome of the minimum space. 

What makes it so special?

Unlike any common gym, micro gyms can be present in your locality. The trainers start by training their friends and neighbors and that is how the word of mouth spreads. These gyms have a lesser number of people at a time and have top-notch hygiene. 

While that can take all your worries about the pandemic away. But that is not the best part. The best part is that your opinion matters the most. 

Micro gyms primarily gain their popularity through word of mouth. Hence, customer service is their utmost priority. They try to make sure that each one of you receives proper training, all your queries get solved and any special requests get executed. 

The rise of micro gyms

While the 24hrs exclusive gymming programs saw bankruptcy, micro-gyms went on the rise. Surely, with a short budget and lesser equipment, the case should have been otherwise. But that is what sets micro gyms aside. If you have dreams of starting a micro-gym, you don’t have to spend a huge bill. The expenses are extremely low with maximum return profits. 

Let’s look into some basic idea that caused the rise of micro gyms:

1. It’s high time we move our bodies, not machines: Traditional gym outlook is all about elaborate machines and the repetitions we can make over them. People have united to practice functional training sessions. These sessions allow us to have proper body and mind training rather than performing machine repetitions. people in the fitness world are now more focused on skills than machines. They want to learn and master the skill and art rather than spending hours upon machines. 

2. Unconventional gyms that focus on optimizing space and not maximizing: Traditional gym styles have an elaborate layout that focuses upon maximizing the square per space. The more elaborate space the gym has, the more does it contains a value. Micro gyms focus on optimizing the minimum space to its maximum value. That is what sets this concept aside and makes it a better choice for the mass over-elaborate gym spaces. 

3. The studio gym concept: Micro gyms are not just the scaled-down version of your regular gyms. They have an altogether different purpose to fulfill. The trainers in micro gym aim to be the leaders of a healthy lifestyle and include fitness as a basis for that healthy lifestyle. But if you are looking for weight training and body-building then this may not be an option. Micro gyms are more about creating a fit lifestyle. 

4. Set apart from the chaos: Traditional gyms may seem a bit overwhelming at times. With so many people around not only do you feel uncomfortable but also you focus upon other’s best version rather than focussing upon yours. Micro gyms cut all these chases as the trainers train a small group of people at a time. The crowd is less, you receive the undivided attention of your trainers. On top of that, you can always request personal training sessions for more privacy and unhindered training sessions.

You can check out this article to know more about the rise of the micro gyms.

Why Micro gyms are the answer to your fitness coaching goals 

Micro gyms come with their tagline: “Start small, stay small”. By no way does it mean that you are not allowed to expand, but the point here is that you can stay small forever. If you are planning to become a fitness coach, you either have to own a gym that can cost you a fortune or work under a hefty pay cut. Micro gyms come to your rescue for a lot of reasons in such a condition. Here is a list of the top 6 reasons why you should consider having a micro gym:

1. Low expense cost: You can simply set up your micro gym in your garage if you do not have any other space. There is no renting expense. Neither do you need extravagant work out machines or high-quality interior decoration. All you need are a few basic types of equipment, decent space, high-quality training, and a group of friends/neighbors to spread the word of mouth. The expense cost to begin a micro gym is very low. 

2. Low risk: The entry-level risk for setting up a micro gym is low. You can have your friends over to your place and train them. There is no need for high savings or huge bank loans to set up your dream coaching business. Even if you are not being able to train offline, you can always set up our website and coaching sessions online with a bare minimum cost. 

3. High Profits: As the word-of-mouth spreads like a wildfire from your friends and neighbors, people will often pay a visit to your micro gym. While they may have to pay less compared to the prices in normal gyms, you can keep the maximum amount as your profit. Since you do not have huge gyming bills to pay, you can save more even by charging less in the beginning. 

4. Cleanliness: Since you have a small space and less equipment to cover, your hygiene comes with ease. You do not have to spend hours sanitizing and cleaning the whole space to make it safe. Also, small space comes with training small groups of people. Ever since the pandemic, people are more concerned about huge groups and hygiene now. Micro gyms become a huge rescue for them in such cases as you can serve both their needs in this. 

5. Enhanced mental health: Following your passion as your goal itself becomes a huge boost to your mental health. Besides that, low risk, low expense, and high-income value give a huge pump reducing stress. Micro gyms can help you to ease all the stress-causing factors you have while setting up a gym. All you need to do is focus on curating the maximum value out in your pieces of training. This will ensure the unhindered source of quality clients. 

6. Customize as per needs: One of the biggest advantages of having a micro gym is that you can customize it. So, whether you want to grow big, add or remove a few types of equipment, improvise your training programs, anything. You can set your dreams and goals and plan out your gyming sessions according to that. You can also host online training sessions and customize the plans for the same. As the world is looking for more options online, hosting customized training sessions can give you that desired kick in your business. 

All these make it important to understand the gravity of micro gyms in a coach’s life. But is it only beneficial for the trainers and not for the trainees? Let’s look into the list of benefits you can have while getting trained from a micro gym.

You can check out this article to know more about how to set up your own micro gym.

The benefits of micro-gyms

Pandemic has added one more reason to be skeptical about hitting the gym in person. Distance, time, crowd, the list of excuses seem never-ending. With an attempt to put an end to all your excuses, micro-gyms come with their own set of benefits:

1. Your excuse killers are next door: Yes, micro-gyms are mostly based for people in and around the locality. Hence, you will not have a tough time finding a micro gym that saves both time and travel expenses. These can help you to focus solely on your fitness so that you can lead a better lifestyle without an excuse. The chances of dropping out get less as you cross paths every day. 

2. The way you interact is how they sustain: The concept of micro-gyms got viral through word of mouth. Social interactions and discussions are what got them popular. Going with an unpopular opinion, micro gyms sustained through real-life communication. The concept isn’t yet in the rage with social media. Thus, it is your interaction upon which their sustainability depends, giving you an upper hand with the customer service. Trainers out there will take extra care to dive into your problems and help you gain the best version of yourself. 

3. Extremely relevant and updated: Considering the condition this global pandemic has to offer, micro gyms are well updated. They train fewer people at a time, maintain proper hygiene, and provide personal training. Since they do not advertise on social media, they pay close attention to their clients for the missing dots. They focus on creating and enhancing their connections by providing what exactly their clients need the best. Trainers stay well updated with their training methods and update their programs from time to time as per their needs. 

4. Provides you with personal training: Micro gyms focus on training a limited group of people at a particular time. The trainers provide their best quality training optimizing their untraditional small space. If you wish to receive personal training for some specific goals you can always request a personal session from the trainers. Due to the pandemic, a lot of people avoid hitting the gym given the unknown crowd they have to face. If you have similar concerns, personal training in micro gyms might be a good fit. 

If you are looking to know more about personal training, then you can out this article below. We have done an in-depth discussion about the same out here. 

5. Enjoy Online personal training from home: A lot of micro gym trainers have come up with their online training website. They provide free and paid online training sessions. If you are not comfortable stepping out of your home, you can check them online. They can train you in a virtual personal training session online where you can get catered to your specific demands. 

If you are looking to know more about online personal trainers, you can check out this article. Out here we have covered all the aspects that you need to know about online personal trainers. 

6. Provides you with the best-customized plan: Unlike any normal gyms, micro gyms have a very flexible approach. The trainers listen to your requirements and customize the plans as per your needs. They understand what is the best fit for your body type and carve out a plan that is perfect for you. Whether you are looking for an intense workout session or to go with your own pace, the plans will be enough to challenge you at your choice. Trainers pay keen attention to bring out the best version of themselves. 

How to begin your micro gym journey as a trainer? 

If you are looking out for options, to begin with, your micro-gym journey, then these are a few things that you should consider. Start by asking yourself a few questions:

  • How small can you start?
  • Do you have a proper space in your mind, or can you rent one?
  • Do you have the time and skills you invest in this unconventional path?
  • Do you have the minimum budget range?

After you have sorted out these few basic questions, here are a few steps that you should consider:

1. Start even smaller than you can imagine. Micro gyms are all about optimizing the space. The main motto is to start small, stay small. Of course, you can expand, but that is not your primary concern for now.

2. Bring out your crazy inspiration. Micro gyms are all about finding out different ideas and mind-blowing ways in which fitness training is possible. 

3. Find out your business style and space. Space where you want to set up this whole micro gym. Also, figure out your business style. Whether you are going to be the sole trainer or you are going to hire others, everything should be present under consideration. 

4. Get some basic gears and equipment. While you may not require hefty gym machines, basic equipment is must-have for any fitness training program. 

These are some steps that you can keep an eye on whenever you are planning to set up your micro gym. 

As the world is trying its best way to fight through the global pandemic, unconventional paths are getting cherished now, more than ever. People are appreciating the growth and trying out different ways to ease out their lifestyle. Fitness is a no different part. Micro gyms are booming to create a revolutionary change, and now is the time to look into the same.

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