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Personal training for kids and young adults

Written by True Topia

October 19, 2021

The Gen Z loves playing games. Yes, this line is all fun and healthy until you realize it is in most cases, all about online games. The rates of obesity and other health-related issues amongst kids and young adults are increasing at a never-ending rate. Along with excessive lack of energy to do physical activity, the signs of tiredness and unwillingness are extremely high.

While this is the story at one end, we cannot ignore the story of perfect body images on Instagram, leading to peer pressure to get ideal body images. In such cases, your child may want to work out, but for the wrong reasons and with the wrong company. 

Here is where personal training for kids and young adults makes sense. Kids and young adults often end up training either less or most of the time, way more than they are supposed to due to the adrenaline rush. It can not only result in muscle fatigue but can also lead to severe permanent injury. 

Let us look into what may happen if they work out alone- Lack of consistent motivation, lack of accountability, no proper source of updated routine, ultimately leading to no results and finally quitting. To avoid all these, we need to understand the role and benefits personal trainers come with for your kids. 

Benefits of a personal trainer for kids

Below we will be looking into some of the benefits that kids and young adults can attain while they work out with a personal trainer:

  • Proper guidance: As a kid or young adult, you may end up overexerting yourself due to the adrenaline rush or by comparing yourself with others. You may want to compete with your friends and during this process, you may end up hurting yourself badly. A personal trainer can guide you through the process, keeping a keen note about your body’s strength and pace. It will help to ensure your steady growth without any harm. 
  • Hold you accountable: Often as young adults, you may want to try out new things but end up losing interest very easily. But in order t6o lead a healthy and happy lifestyle, physical training is mandatory. It is where your trainer comes into play. They will ensure that you show up to your training sessions regularly and hold you accountable for that. It will make the process of you skipping out on your training sessions a lot more difficult, and it is likely for you to stick through the routine. 
  • Understand your style: As a kid, when you are just starting out with your physical fitness journey, you may not understand what suits your body the best, what do you enjoy doing, and what kind of workout routines your body doesn’t support. A personal trainer can help you to work through your routines by understanding your patterns out of their experience. It will help you to ensure that you can make the most out of your training sessions without feeling bored or overwhelmed. 
  • Motivate you through the sessions: Concerning the previous point, your kids and young adults need to be motivated and pushed towards their goals every once in a while. A personal trainer will help them to notice every small improvement and encourage them to work towards their goals further. It will ensure that they can always find a space where they are motivated and encouraged, unlike their competitive peer circle otherwise. 
  • Create fun sessions: It is quite a task to keep kids engaged to follow through with certain activities repeatedly for a very long time. They tend to get bored easily, especially when it comes to working out. Personal training for kids can help you overcome this problem. Your trainer will create the routine and keep making the changes with time as your body gets adapted. It will not only ensure that your sessions are fun but also challenge your body all the time for the next target. 
  • Keep them on the right track: Alongside regular training sessions, food habit and diet also plays a crucial role in determining your health. Youngsters can often get tempted to get into the habit of consuming supplements that they have heard from anyone to see instant results. Such harmful activities can lead to severe damage to your body. A personal trainer can help to inform them about all these and ensure that they are well-aware, keeping them on the right track. 

What does a personal trainer do for your children?

Despite all the benefits, do you really need a personal trainer? What if you yourself can cover all the above points for your children? To clear out the air, it is important to understand what is the role of a personal trainer in your kid’s life- what does a personal trainer do for your children? We will look into a few pointers below: 

  • Hear them out: Yes, hear them out. Often times as a concerned parent you may want your kids to work out and register them into the gyms without much talking. It may make the kid feel unheard, leading to disinterest in the training sessions. A personal trainer tries to bridge that gap and focuses on understanding the child. What do they like, what kind of workouts do they enjoy doing, and other tiny details. After keeping all these in mind, the training routine gets created, ensuring that your child feels heard. 
  • Measuring progress: How far did your kid go in their physical training journey? What are the obstacles that they are facing? All these questions can get answered when you are keeping a regular tap in their progress. Progress gets determined with a lot of factors such as weight, stamina, measurement, strength, and others. A personal trainer for kids keeps all these in the note and then introduces the further changes into the routine. It helps to ensure that the workout routines are regularly updated and your child gets the best out of their training sessions. 
  • Creative sessions: As mentioned above, it is important to keep updating the routine for progress and ensure that the sessions they are following are creative and interactive. A personal trainer can help to keep your kids engaged and have fun during their physical training sessions. 

Is kids’ personal training the correct choice for your children?

How can you understand whether or not kids’ personal training is the right choice for your kids or young adult? Having a personal trainer is always beneficial. It allows you to ensure that your kids can experience progress in the right direction. Here are a few key factors that will ensure personal training for kids is the choice that you should make. 

  • Your kids don’t enjoy playing: But who doesn’t like doing that? Yes, every kid loves playing in general. By this statement what we want to bring your attention to is about kids who don’t like playing physical sports or games outside. They are more interested in online games. It keeps them away from the natural scope of physical exercise, leading to health issues. 

In such cases, hiring a personal trainer will help them to get acquainted and adjust to the physical training process at their own pace. Along with that, they can customize the routine that they like to follow. 

  • They are kids with special abilities: If your child is a kid with special abilities, it may seem hard to incorporate physical activity into their lifestyle on its own. A personal trainer can really be of great help in such situations. They get proper training and are experienced to work with kids with special needs. Hence can understand the setbacks the kids are facing. The trainers keep all the details in mind and curate the routines as per the physician’s suggestion. In addition to that, they also keep a keen eye upon them to ensure that the kids don’t follow any wrong posture and are motivated for every tiny progress.  
  • They take a keen interest in personal training: Yes, it can be as simple as that. With the growing trend and awareness regarding health, body, and overall lifestyle, there is a high possibility that your kid themselves want to start with personal training. In such cases hiring a personal trainer who understands your kids well and vibes with them can really help to set the foundation, leading them to create a happy and disease-free lifestyle leading to healthy aging. 
  • Inspiration from the experts: In this Gen Z generation, there are a lot of influencers out there waiting to inspire people. While their agenda to help others is commendable, often the way they portray things can not only be misleading but also incorrect. In such cases, it is best advised to get your inspiration from the experts. If your kids see and interact with personal trainers regularly, they will get the correct guidance. It will help them to make progress without any misleading techniques and wrong products that may cause severe damage in the long run. 

What kind of personal trainer is the right fit for your kids?

Finding the correct personal trainer for your kids can be intimidating. It should get done with proper research and knowledge about the personal trainers around you in general. A wrong personal trainer can affect your child in many ways. 

They may fail to understand your kid’s body, leading to straining routines. They can also create an impact on them mentally with their mindset and beliefs. It may scar your kids for a very long time. Hence, it is important to understand the physical trainer well before hiring them for your kids. 

Below we will look into the key factors that will help to determine what kind of a trainer should you hire for your kids:

  • Certification: This is one of the most basic and common characteristics to select your kid’s personal trainer. They must hold proper certification as a personal trainer for kids. Alongside that, they should hold expertise over training kids as well. If you have a kid with special needs, ensure that your trainer is well-equipped and holds enough knowledge and experience to work with them. 
  • Mindset: The physio and psychological mindset of your trainers play a crucial role while hiring a personal trainer for your kids. Since they will be taking inspiration from the trainer and mingling with them regularly, it is important to understand and make sure that they do not have any such mindset that may scar your kid. Alongside that, observe how do they actually motivate your kids. Giving tough love to your kids in these cases can affect them mentally for a very long time. 
  • Time and interest: How much time is the trainer willing to invest in your child? When children are starting out with their journey, they seek guidance at every step. Failing that may lead to incorrect postures and injury. Ensure that the trainer takes a keen interest in understanding your child, their patterns, likings, and dislikings, and then create the routine accordingly. Along with that, the trainer should follow the kid in every step to avoid any mishap. 
  • Goal-setting and routines: Does your trainer hold expertise over the goals that you are currently willing to focus on? It is important for the trainers to understand the goals and set the pace accordingly. Also, the trainer should be able to provide you with workout and diet routines that work well around your kid’s lifestyle. 

They should not be creating any sort of drastic changes that your kids cannot maintain for a very long time. If your trainer can create training sessions keeping both of these points in mind cohesively, it will ensure that your kid receives the best training that helps them to achieve their goals. 

  • References: It is best if you can hire a trainer from your references. If other parents are recommending a certain trainer to you, chances are high that even your experience will be great. It also helps to ensure that the trainer is well-experienced and can handle your kids well, without causing them any sort of discomfort or uneasiness.
  • Trial period: It doesn’t matter how good the review is. Sometimes, the trainer and your kid may not be the perfect fit. In such cases, it is crucial to understand that the only way you can be 100% sure about a certain trainer is by attending the trial sessions. Give your child company for the first 1-2 trial sessions and check it out for yourself. It will help your kids to analyze whether or not they like the trainer and if they want to continue working with them.  
  • Balanced routine: The personal trainer gets full control over creating the routines. Ensure that the training sessions they plan out have an equal amount of effort on all the forms of workouts such as cardio, core, and other areas. Kids may get tempted to perform a certain set of exercises more than often. The trainer plays the key role out here, explaining the kids regarding the balanced routine and the balanced diet lifestyle.  

Finding the right personal trainer is a trial and error process. You need to have patience and encourage your kids to stick through their sessions. If they don’t like certain kind of training sessions, it is important to encourage them about being vocal rather than quitting physical training completely. With proper guidance and knowledge, kids and young adults can maintain a healthy lifestyle, free of all the major diseases with ease. 

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